Green Burials
St. Francis of Assisi Green Burial Section

The Catholic Cemeteries Association is pleased to announce that the Saint Francis of Assisi Green Burial Section, located in Holy Savior Catholic Cemetery in Pine/ Richland Townships is open. Demand for this new form of burial has increased somewhat in recent years and has prompted The Catholic Cemeteries Association to establish its first Green Burial location.
What is a Green Burial?
A Green Burial is a natural, environmentally-conscious way of interment. Green Burials typically do not include embalming and coffin liners or vaults. Instead, the body is buried a biodegradable container, casket, shroud, or urn. A Green Burial allows us to care for the dead while leaving a minimal impact on the environment. For more information of the characteristics of a Green Burial, see this article provided by the Green Burial Council.
Our Green Burial Option
Green Burials are becoming an option widely provided by Catholic cemeteries across the nation. This method offers a connection to nature beheld by some of the Church’s great spiritual leaders, such as St. Francis of Assisi.
A beautiful Amish-built gazebo is used for Committal Services and general cemetery visitation for those being interred in the Saint Francis of Assisi section. The structure accommodates people for services and also serves as a shelter for visitation.
The Green Burial Section follows the same visitation schedule permitted for the rest of the cemetery property — dawn to dusk, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Contact us today to learn more about Green Burial Options, or with any additional questions.
If you are interested in exploring this type of burial option please contact Holy Savior Cemetery at 724-625-3822.